15 June, 2009

Carom3D 5.06 Unicode Buffer Overrun/Denial Of Service Vulnerability

# Title: Carom3D 5.06 Unicode Buffer Overrun/Denial Of Service Vulnerability
# Summary: Carom 3D is an online multi-user billiard game created with special
# 3D graphic effects bringing every aspect such as 6 ball, 9 ball, 8
# ball and other Billiard games to life.
# Product Web Page: http://www.carom3d.com/
# Description: The world famous korean game Carom3D suffers from a buffer overflow
# and a denial of service vulnerability. The BoF is triggered at
# runtime when we append 218 > bytes as an argument. ~1000 bytes
# overwrites SEH. The denial of service is triggered when a user
# creates a LAN Game (cred. needed), creates a room and awaits
# other players to join the game. While awaiting (listening on port
# 28012), with a simple HTTP GET/POST, an attacker can lockdown
# the GUI of the user created the room, not alowing to start or
# even exit the game's GUI, unless forced quit (X).
# Tested On: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (English)
# Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
# liquidworm gmail com
# http://www.zeroscience.org/
# 15.06.2009

# ----------------------------------DoS---------------------------------- #

use LWP::Simple;

my $url = '';
my $lockdown = get $url;
die "Couldn't get $url" unless defined $lockdown;

# You can Ctrl+C, the lockdown is ON.

# ---------------------------------/DoS---------------------------------- #


# ----------------------------------BoF---------------------------------- #

# Added 217 bytes as argument = runs normally.
# Added 218 bytes as argument triggers the MS VC++ Runtime Library
# 'Buffer Overrun' error msg box informing us that the program's
# internal state is corrupted.


# ---------------------------------/BoF---------------------------------- #


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